Libérez vous des douleurs en supprimant leurs causes.
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Release yourselves from your pains thanks to Reboutement
A revisited ancestral method
Third generation of bonesetters I perfected my gestures by following a certificate : method BM Reboutement ®.
I offer through the touch of your body to relieve your pains and delete certain affections or mild embarrassment.

The objective is that customers could find, by the way of this innovative method, the solution to RELIEVE or REMOVE their troubles endured for months to years.
By effects of sanding, scratching, cleaning and by working in depth
Between muscles
Between vertebras
Between the ribs
On and around the joints

For your body BM Reboutement ® results in:
Liberation of stasis (heap of nerves, calcification, crystals, stuck toxin and hardened)
A better general vascularisation and an obvious well-being.
Trick: After a session, I do recommend to drink one and a half liter of water during the days which follow to eliminate all residues naturally.